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Vortragsreihe "Scientific Working"

In regelmäßigen Abständen bieten die Matiker in Kooperation mit der Fachschaft Mathematik/Informatik der Universität Paderborn Vorträge zum Thema »Aufbau und Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten und Vorträge« an. Die Vortragsreihe beschäftigt sich mit den Problemen, die beim Schreiben wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten entstehen. Dabei wird sowohl auf inhaltliche als auch gestalterische Elemente eingegangen.

Die Veranstaltungen richten sich in erster Linie an Studierende, die bisher keine oder wenig Erfahrungen mit wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten haben. Allerdings kann sie auch eine sinnvolle Auffrischung für höhere Semester sein, z.B. direkt vor der Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit.

Scientific Working

How to write a great Master thesis

Stefan Krüger
12th June 2023 at 18:15, room O2
The final thesis concludes every Bachelor's and Master's program. It is usually the first time you as students work systematically for a longer time on your own on a single topic and write up the results of this work in a scientific manner. Consequently, it is widely considered a huge and important part of any curriculum and grants up to 1/3 of all credit points a student may earn during their studies. Yet, curricula tend to focus on other topics, leaving many students feel unprepared for this unique challenge.

In this talk, I will share my insights with you on how to write a good final thesis, based on my experience from supervising more than a dozen student theses. I will discuss what, in my experience, works and what does not. In specific, I will discuss how to find a suitable thesis and supervisor and why finding a suitable supervisor is actually important for you. I will also address how to approach scientific work as well as how to structure and write the thesis itself, and prepare the final presentation. After the talk, there will be time for questions.

The talk will take place in O2 on 12th June 2023 at 6:15pm local time (UTC+2) and will be given in English. In case you can't attend, please check out last year's recorded presentation.

Speaker's bio:
Stefan Krüger has received a Ph.D. in software security from Paderborn University in 2020. They are most well-known from their work on the developer-assistant tool for cryptographic APIs CogniCrypt. In August 2020, Krüger joined CQSE GmbH as a Software Engineer. In their time at UPB and CQSE, Krüger has supervised more than a dozen seminar, bachelor, and master theses, covering a wide range of software-engineering topics.

How to write a great Master thesis

Stefan Krüger
14. June 2022 at 18:15, lecture hall O2

The final thesis concludes every Bachelor's and Master's program. It is usually the first time students work systematically for a longer time on their own on a single topic and write up the results of this work in a scientific manner. Consequently, it is widely considered a huge and important part of any curriculum and grants up to 1/3 of all credit points a student may earn during their studies. Yet, curricula tend to focus on other topics, often leaving students feeling unprepared for this unique challenge.

In this talk, I will share my insights on how to write a good master thesis, based on my experience from supervising more than a dozen student theses. I will discuss what, in my experience, works and what does not. In specific, I will discuss how to find a suitable thesis and supervisor and why finding a suitable supervisor is actually important for any student. I will also address how to approach scientific work as well as how to structure and write the thesis itself, and prepare the final presentation. After my talk, there will be time for questions.

The talk will take place online on June 14th at 6:15pm local time (UTC+2) and will be given in English. In case you can't attend, please check out last year's recorded presentation.

Speaker's bio:
Stefan Krüger has received a Ph.D. in software security from Paderborn University in 2020. They are most well-known from their work on the developer-assistant tool for cryptographic APIs CogniCrypt. In August 2020, Krüger joined CQSE GmbH as a Software Engineer. In their time at UPB and CQSE, Krüger has supervised more than a dozen seminar, bachelor, and master theses, covering a wide range of software-engineering topics.

How to write a great Master thesis

Stefan Krüger
on 2021-06-14, 19:00 CEST via BigBlueButton.

The final thesis concludes every Bachelor's and Master's program. It is usually the first time students work systematically for a longer time on their own on a single topic and write up the results of this work in a scientific manner. Consequently, it is widely considered a huge and important part of any curriculum and grants up to 1/3 of all credit points a student may earn during their studies. Yet, curricula tend to focus on other topics, often leaving students feeling unprepared for this unique challenge.

The talk took place online on June 14th, 2021 at 7pm local time (UTC+2) and was be given in English. The recording is online here.

Presentations without boring the audience

Monday, 17.01.2019, 18:00 Uhr in O2

Talk given by Prof. Dr. Holger Karl

How to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis

Thursday, 10.01.2019, 18:00 Uhr in D2

Talk given by Dr. Harald Selke

When you have to write a thesis, there are many questions:

  • How to start?
  • Which tools to use?
  • How to organize my work?

In this talk, we give an introduction into the creative work of organizing your ideas into a well-structured thesis.

This talk has been recorded: Video (File).
